NBIAA Basketball Coaches
Coach of the Year Awards
Peg McAleenan Award – Sheldon Shaw – Southern Victoria High School
Each year the Peg McAleenan Award is presented to the Coach of the Year for a female high school team in New Brunswick. This year’s winner of the Peg McAleenan Award is Sheldon Shaw of Southern Victoria High School. Sheldon returned to New Brunswick in 2019 and rekindled his basketball coaching interest. Sheldon has had several successful seasons as the coach at Southern Victoria. This year will mark Sheldon’s second consecutive year leading the Vikings to the Final 12, where they will look to win their second consecutive A girls banner. In Sheldon’s words: “I am honored to be added to a long list of amazing coaches that have volunteered their time before me and the fact that it is named after Peg McAleenan just adds to the joy. I would be remise if I did not add the names of my influencers: Jon Brain, Dave Nutbrown and Tim McGarrigle”
Dave MacPherson Award- Dan Goggin – Leo Hayes High School
Each year the Dave MacPherson Award is presented to the Coach of the Year for a male high school team in New Brunswick. This year’s winner of the Dave MacPherson Award is Dan Goggin of Leo Hayes High School. Dan has been the head coach at Leo Hayes since the 2017-2018 season. Despite a season marked by injuries Dan was able to maintain a winning culture within his team this season, starting the year with a win at the Miramichi Hoop Classic and ultimately ending their season at the Final 12. This year will mark Leo Hayes’ first appearance at TD Station since 2017, where they will be looking to win their first AAA boys provincial title.
The NBIAA Basketball Coaches Association is pleased to announce the creation of the Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is designed to recognize coaches who have dedicated a significant amount of their lives to coaching high school basketball in New Brunswick and who have made positive impacts in their schools and communities along the way. With 2023 being the first time that this award is being handed out, the NBIAA Basketball Coaches Association would like to announce that the inaugural winners of the Lifetime Achievement Award are:
David Daye – Woodstock High School
Ron Hooper – Petitcodiac Regional School
David MacMullin – Harvey High School