
Exhibition Tournaments


Tournaments for NBIAA schools
Exhibition Tournaments involving NBIAA teams must be registered with the NBIAA office. The host school must submit the Exhibition Tournament Registration Form (C-4) to the NBIAA office.

Tournaments for NBIAA schools and out of province teams**
Tournaments with out of province teams must receive sanction by the NBIAA. The sanctioning procedure must be completed using the online system. Tournaments marked with ** have been sanctioned by the NBIAA to include out of province teams.

2023-2024 School Tournaments

March 15 - Tournoi sénior féminin PTA
Polyvalente Thomas-Albert
Senior Girls

March 28-30 - U de M
Junior & Senior Girls

April 11-12 - 10e tounoi ODY
École L'Odyssée
junior boys

April 12-13 - 10e tournoi ODY
École L'Odyssée
senior boys



2023-2024 School Tournaments

March 2 - Tournoi senior
Polyvalente Thomas-Albert
Senior Girls

March 16 - Condors Volleyball
Dalhousie Regional High School
Senior Girls

March 16 - DRHS Volleyball Tournament
Dalhousie Regional High School
Senior Girls

March 16 - LHHS
Leo Hayes High School
Junior & Senior Boys

March 17 - DRHS Volleyball Tournament
Dalhousie Regional High School
Senior Boys

March 23 - Rebelles ESN
École secondaire Népisiguit
Junior Boys

April 14 - ESN JVG
École secondaire Népisiguit
Junior Girls

April 1 - EDA Jaguars
Étoile de l'Acadie
Junior Girls

April 12-13 - 9ieme tournoi de volleyball masculin
École L'Odyssée
Junior Boys

April 12-13 - CNBA SG
Central New Brunswick Academy
Senior Girls

April 13 - JVG Tournament
Sussex Regional High School
Junior Girls

April 13-14 - 9ieme tournoi de volleyball masculin
École L'Odyssée
Senior Boys

April 14 - ESN JVG
École secondaire Népisiguit
Junior Girls

April 19-20 - LHHS Invitational
Leo Hayes High School
Senior Girls & Boys

April 20 - Tournoi Senior Filles
Polyvalente W.A.-Losier
Senior Girls

April 21 - Tournoi junior
Polyvalente Thomas-Albert
Junior Girls

April 26-27 - FMHS Invitational
Fundy Middle & High School
Senior Boys and Girls

April 28 - PAJS Volleyball
Polyvalente Alexandre J. Savoie
Senior Girls

April 28 - HCS Invitational
Hartland Community School
Senior Boys

April 28 - Rebelles ESN
École secondaire Népisiguit
Senior Girls


2023-2024 Post Secondary Tournaments


March 29-30 - Université de Moncton

March 29-31 - University of New Brunswick

April 5-7 - St Thomas University